How Braces Straighten Teeth in Children and Adults

Braces are a standard treatment for crooked teeth in children and adults. Braces are custom-made orthodontic devices that tighten teeth using dental brackets and wires. Braces correct tooth alignment and provide a stable base to improve tooth position over time. Over time, braces may need to be replaced as the dentist or orthodontist remove them, adjust them, or add new brackets as the braces continue to work. Braces are generally not very painful, but some people may experience discomfort during the adjustment phase of braces. There are two types of braces – traditional braces and clear braces. Traditional braces move teeth into their proper positions, while clear braces do not contain any material that could cause irritation or decay of the teeth. Traditional braces are more often used in children than clear braces, but clear braces are becoming more common in adults. No matter what type of braces you choose, you’ll need to make an appointment with your dentist or orthodontist to have them put on. Over time, you will likely need to

Types of braces

Types of bracesRegarding braces, there are three types that children and adults can wear – fixed, partial, and open-arch braces. These braces require regular dental checkups to ensure the teeth are healing correctly. Fixed braces are the most frequent type, as they need the metal bracket to be physically connected to the teeth. Partial braces let some crooked teeth extend beyond the end of a brace, while open-arch braces are worn like traditional orthodontics (on top of your existing dentition). Braces should last for around two years on average if you’re following the dentist’s instructions and appointments. Good oral hygiene is vital when wearing braces, as improper brushing and flossing can lead to plaque and gum disease. Make sure to ask your dentist any questions or concerns you may have about braces – they’re experts in the field and can help you get the best treatment for your teeth.

How braces move teeth

Braces are a treatment used to move teeth into their correct positions. The braces have two metal wires across the top and bottom teeth. The braces are tightened periodically to move the teeth into their proper places. The wearing time for braces is typically six months to a year but can vary depending on the child’s individual case history. After treatment, regular checkups are required to ensure proper healing and teeth straightening results.

Bracket adhesion

Bracket adhesion is the process by which brackets are fitted to teeth using suction and moved into their correct position. This ensures that braces will stay in place until the teeth have healed, without needing dental surgery afterward. Braces are usually worn for 6 months, with adult braces lasting up to two years. Once they’re fitted, there’s no need to take them off – they’ll fall off on their own!


Bands are a type of orthodontic treatment that move teeth into the correct position. They consist of bands placed around the teeth and then tightened or loosened as needed to move them into their new roles. Treatment time typically ranges from six months to two years, with an average time of around one year. Patients usually need to visit the dentist at least once every three months for regular checkups and adjustments during treatment.


When braces are put on, the dentist will place spacers between your teeth. Over time, as they move these spacers closer, they will help straighten your teeth. The process usually takes around two months and is painless – you can even go back for checkups every six months!


Archwires are a series of metal wires fixed into the braces to move teeth in a specific direction. Teeth move slightly during the treatment, and they mustn’t touch each other as this could cause problems. Mounts should be replaced every 6-12 months and take around 2 hours to wear. You will need an appointment to have braces fitted, though you can sometimes get them done over the phone or online if you have your orthodontist’s information handy.

Buccal tube

Buccal tube orthodontics is a type of dental treatment that uses braces to move and fix teeth in their correct positions. The braces are inserted through a small hole in the front called the buccal tube, which is then connected to a suction device that moves and fixes your teeth in their correct positions. Worn for two to four years, braces will require regular checkups. However, braces have no pain or discomfort – like having your teeth fitted!

Springs provides braces for adults and children, which move the teeth into their correct position and help straighten them. The treatment usually takes around two hours per day, five days per week for six months. After the braces are fitted, you must wear them regularly to maintain your new smile!

Facebow headgear

There are several types of braces available, some of which include the use of headgear. For example, facebow headgear is a type that helps maintain the correct alignment of teeth and prevents further damage to them. It is usually worn for 6-12 months or longer, depending on the type and length of treatment required. If you are looking into braces, it is essential to consult your dentist as there are many different types available on the market today, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Get all the information you need to decide what would be best for your dental needs!

Do braces hurt?

Do braces hurtMost braces don’t cause any pain, but that doesn’t mean they won’t cause discomfort for a select few people. If you’re experiencing discomfort, you must speak to your dentist. They will help you determine if braces are the best option for you and can provide an occasional adjustment to the braces to ensure they are still providing the desired results. Braces straighten teeth in children and adults by correcting their bites early on in life – this is a crucial step for healthy teeth and jaws. Every person’s treatment plan is different, so speak with your dentist about what type of braces would be best for you!

Cost of braces

Teeth are one of the most critical body parts, and crooked teeth can cause discomfort and problems. That’s why braces are a standard treatment for children and adults with crooked teeth. The average braces cost is around $3,000, but most of this is covered by insurance. If you’re not sure if you’re covered, ask your doctor. Braces should last anywhere from two to four years – so it’s worth investing. Not only will braces help straighten teeth, but they can also improve oral health and hygiene. Braces are a great way to achieve a beautiful smile and restore confidence.

What are mini-braces?

Almost half of all adults in the United States have braces, which is even higher for children. Mini-braces are a type of braces that are smaller in size than traditional braces. They are worn on the front teeth and help to straighten them as quickly as possible. When children are ready for conventional braces, mini braces usually become outdated and are replaced by traditional braces. Adults wear mini-braces for two years or until their teeth have fully erupted (grown).

How fast do braces work?

There’s no doubt that braces straighten teeth in children and adults. However, it’s essential to know that braces are generally effective within 6 to 12 months. Orthodontic treatment is a long-term commitment, so discuss your options with your orthodontist. There may be some temporary discomfort and swelling during the early stages of treatment, but it will eventually subside. If you’re unhappy with the result of your orthodontics, there’s always the option of having them redone. So, commit, and braces will soon be a thing of the past!

How do braces work for adults compared to children?

Close-up of teeth with kid braces at dentist reception in dental clinic.Regarding orthodontics, there are two types of braces that orthodontists use – fixed braces and rubber bands. Adults wear fixed braces, which are metal brackets that are fixed into the teeth. These braces work by pulling the teeth together and into their correct positions. In comparison, rubber band braces are used primarily on children and are attached to elastic bands that stretch over the teeth. These bands help to move the teeth into the correct position and are gradually removed over time as the child’s teeth grow. The benefits of orthodontics for adults include a straighter smile, reduced tooth decay, and a decreased risk of relapse. Therefore, orthodontics can be an effective treatment for adults, and we would recommend consulting with an orthodontist to determine if braces are right for you.

Cleaning teeth with braces

Teeth are one of the essential parts of the body, and they must be kept clean and free of decay. That’s why braces and other dental appliances need to be cleaned regularly. Use mild soap and lukewarm water to clean braces – never hot! Rinse the device thoroughly with plenty of water after every use, then dry it off completely before storing it. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day while wearing braces – even if you only have soft foods!

Book your appointment now

Braces are the treatment of choice if you’re looking to straighten teeth in children or adults. Braces work by tightening or aligning the teeth’s positions. This, in turn, straightens teeth and restores their alignment. Traditional braces worn on tooth #8 and above can start around age 16-17. Orthodontic treatments for adults typically last 8-10 years but may need to be redone if there is an issue with the spacing or alignment of teeth. Children who have not had severe dental problems (i.e., cavities) at birth and whose parents opt for clear braces should expect their treatment time to be about three years. So if you’re looking for braces for your child, book an appointment now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best age to get braces?

Braces can be recommended from 6 months onwards and will start to correct the alignment of your teeth from day one. If you are an adult and you find that your teeth are not in the correct position, braces may be a good option for you. However, this is rare.

How much do braces cost?

The average braces cost for children and adults is around $2,000. Cosmetologists and dentists pay for most braces, but your insurance may also cover some of the cost. Traces are typically worn for four to six months, with an occasional checkup.

Are braces painful?

Most people find braces quite tolerable, although some may initially experience minor discomfort. It’s essential to see a dentist regularly while wearing braces to make sure that the brackets or wires are correctly adjusted. If you experience any pain, it is best to check it out as soon as possible.


Braces are a fantastic way to improve the alignment of your teeth and correct tooth alignment problems. They move teeth into the proper position and can be used for children and adults. Braces work quickly and are very easy to clean. Please make an appointment today and let our orthodontist help you get the smile of your dreams!